Feng Shui For Offices
Feng Shui for Offices
Companies all over the world adopt FENG SHUI in their Offices- why? And is it worth it? An Interview of Aroon Ajmera.
Q: How can Feng Shui benefit Offices?
A: The constantly changing invisible energy forces in an office can have a dramatic impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of its employees and also the health of the business. Offices already use the services of Interior Designers to enhance the comfort and aesthetics of the working environment. A Feng Shui consultation takes you one step further. It focuses on the energy of space and by introducing subtle changes, converts it into a supportive and harmonious workspace.
By incorporating the Feng Shui principles in the layout of an office, you can positively influence staff morale, creativity and team spirit. This in turn reduces absenteeism and staff turnover. Conflict and internal competition between employees can also be minimised.
When you pay attention to how and where people sit, the colours, materials and the amount of natural light in an environment, their efficiency will soar, making a significant contribution to the success and the profitability of a business.
Q: What does a Feng Shui consultant initially need?
A: First of all, he or she needs the dates of birth of all the directors or senior members or key members of the organisation to be able to work out their character profiles and their relationship cycles based on their elements to provide the management with an insight into the running of a business. This exercise often reveals the level of harmony. The energy of each member’s time ahead and the supportive colours are also determined. This can be useful for decorating the private offices of the key members. The consultant also needs the date the business was established to look into the auspicious time frames for the organisation as a whole. The primary areas of concern for the organisation are also needed so that he or she can focus the attention on the issues to be resolved.
Q: What other aspects are examined?
1. The exterior of the building, the location, the shapes of surrounding properties and the orientation and the size of the main door
2. share this site The Reception- which creates the corporate image
3. Office environment- to see if it is clutter free, well ventilated, lacking in noise pollution and has a comfortable atmosphere
4. A floor plan with proposed furniture design and configuration
5. Advice is also given on the placement of computers, telephones and other equipment
6. Selection and placement of images, artworks plants and lighting as all these contribute to lifting the energy of any space.
7. Placement of staff by responsibilities i.e. Financial Controller in the Wealth area, Personnel Manager in Relationship area etc.
8. Placement of objects by elements in the main offices and private offices for creating harmony
9. Placement of objects on desks (what goes where on a desk?)
10. Recommendations are also given on co-ordination of carpet colours and wall colours.
Q: Can you give some Feng Shui tips for Offices?
A: Basic Feng Shui tips to create a stress free office environment are:
1 Make sure your desk is facing the door. That way, you are in control of the room and you can see who is coming in. If your back is to the entrance you will feel subconsciously uneasy which will drain your energy.
2 Sit with a solid wall behind you rather than an open space, as this will increase your feeling of being supported. If you have a window behind you, reinforce your defenses with a bookcase or at least a planter.
3 Avoid putting pictures and art above your head- don’t let the attention of your visitors be distracted from you.
4 Symbology is important in Feng Shui. Check and see what negative and positive messages are being given out by the choice of posters and art around you. Are they dull, flat and limiting landscapes? Sunsets showing a decline of energy? Stark, aggressive images? Abstract and confusing lines without clarity?
5 Clutter is the enemy of good Feng Shui. Keep your desk clear and let the energy flow freely around you. Keep files off the floor.
6 Living plants bring in vital energy and are particularly good to counter the negative effects of having so much equipment around. Make sure that they are not spiky and avoid cacti unless you want to become known as a « prickly” person.
7 The lighting must be good. Research shows that people are much more motivated and healthier if they sit near windows. Dark corners are lifeless areas and that means -you need to use twice the energy to do a job. Don’t hang any plants or have lights suspended directly above your head. Desk lamps are okay though.
8 Watch out for big piles of “in trays”. The higher the stack, the more you will feel overwhelmed. Don’t sit under high shelving or you will feel that everything is getting on top of you.
9 Mark out your wealth corner for special attention (top left from the doorway). Make sure it is not cluttered with piles of files or magazines and especially not your waste bin. Put something beautiful and preferably sparkly in this area.
10 Don’t sit near the sharp corners of shelving and cabinets. Round edged designs are generally preferable and tend to support creativity.
11 First impressions are very important – make sure your visitors see something like an exotic plant or a work of art, something on which to focus their energy when they enter the room. It will help them feel more comfortable and relaxed.