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Fertilizers Organic Vs. Synthetic

Fertilizers: Organic Vs. Synthetic

At this moment in time with the gigantic green movement sweeping the country and spreading its tentacles throughout the globe, organic fertilizers are ‘cool’ and the ‘in’ thing. Not so fast. Your synthetic fertilizers are needed and properly applied can enhance and work with the organic fertilizers to enhance a plants life and purpose for existence.

Because a vast amount of weekend warrior gardeners are city and urban dwellers their only education regarding fertilizers comes from the local nursery or major chain of ‘do-it-yourself centers’, they may be clueless about fertilizers. As an example, ask yourself the question, what do the 3 numbers on a bag of fertilizer mean? If you know, you’re ahead of the clan; if not, let me explain. A bag of fertilizer will have 3 sets of numbers, such as; 18-6-4, 5-5-5,5-36-5, etc. What do these numbers represent? Well, the first digit means the percentage of nitrogen contained in the bag, second digit reflects the percentage of phosphorous, and the 3rd digit represents the percentage of potassium contained within the bag. Therefore, a bag labeled 18-6-4 would contain 18% nitrogen, 6% phosphorous and 4% potassium.

Plants need and love nitrogen; however, too much and it will burn the roots and kill the plant.

Phosphorous is very important to a plant in that it assists the plant in absorbing the nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil for a healthy existence. This means more flowers and fruit.

Potassium, also known as potash, makes plants strong by helping it absorb and use water. Normally, there is sufficient amounts of potassium in the soil; however, it is not in the form that plants can absorb. The potassium in a bag of fertilizer is water soluble and readily absorbed by plants. Potassium is valuable in drought conditions whereby it assists plants to absorb water more efficiently.

What does all this mean? Not to worry, the manufacturer’s all have selected the correct ratios for various applications from lawns to vegetables. Remember a garden fertilizer with a formulation of 12-12-12 or 14-14-14 is meant to be applied to your garden before planting. It releases those elements very quickly upon application. However, remember it is not too good for established plants in your landscape.

A brief synopsis of organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are naturally occurring fertilizers such as compost, manure,slurry,worm-castings,peat, seaweed, and guano.

Processed organic fertilizers include compost, blood-meal, bone meal, humic acid, amino acids, and seaweed extracts. Decomposing crop residue (green manure) from prior years is another source of organic fertilizer.

What are the advantages of using organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers also re-emphasize the role of humus and other organic components of soil, which are believed to play several important roles:

Mobilizing existing soil nutrients, so that good growth is achieved with lower nutrient densities while wasting less.

Releasing nutrients at a slower, more consistent rate, helping to avoid a boom-and-bust pattern]

Helping to retain soil moisture, click this site reducing the stress due to temporary moisture stress.

Improving the soil structure

Helping to prevent topsoil erosion (responsible for desertfication and the Dust bowl

Organic fertilizers also have the advantage of avoiding certain problems associated with the regular heavy use of artificial fertilizers:

The necessity of reapplying artificial fertilizers regularly (and perhaps in increasing quantities) to maintain fertility.

Extensive runoff of soluble nitrogen and phosphorus leading to eutrophication of bodies of water (which causes fish kills)and costs are lower for is locally available fertilizer.

We covered the advantages, now a word about the disadvantages. For every plus there is a negative.

Organic fertilizers have the following disadvantages:

As a dilute source of nutrients when compared to inorganic fertilizers, transporting large amount of fertilizer incurs higher costs, especially with slurry and manure.

The composition of organic fertilizers tends to be more complex and variable than a standardized inorganic product.

Improperly-processed organic fertilizers may contain pathogens from plant or animal matter that are harmful to humans or plants. However, proper composting should remove them.

More labor is needed to compost organic fertilizer, increasing labor costs. Some of this cost is offset by reduced cash purchase.


I am a retired aerospace engineer that over the years has acquired a rewarding hobby of gardening and landscapes. Within the scope of my new hobby, I have been fortunate enough to further my freelance writing career under contract to whose expertise has been invaluable.

I am a retired aerospace engineer that over the years has acquired a rewarding hobby of gardening and landscapes. Within the scope of my new hobby, I have been fortunate enough to further my freelance writing career under contract to whose expertise has been invaluable.

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