Juan del Río San Pío

Trainer and Coordinator at Red de Transición, Community learning and development officer at Smart CSOs Lab

Juan del Río San Pío

Trainer and Coordinator at Red de Transición, Community learning and development officer at Smart CSOs Lab


Biologist, activist, facilitator, educator and researcher for sustainability. Coordinator of Red de Transición and member of Cardedeu en Transició. Community learning developer at Smart CSOs Lab where he works fostering systemic change within CSOs. Author of Guía del Movimiento de Transición and numerous articles in publications such as Ecohabitar or 15/15\15. He focuses his work on promoting new models of sustainable living and local resilience.
He is currently collaborating in SwitchMed as an expert in the Civil Society Team, promoting and giving support to Grassroots Initiatives linked to Sustainable Production and Consumption.

All sessions by Juan del Río San Pío

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