Ramon Farreny
Ramon is co-founder of inèdit (www.ineditinnova.com), an eco-innovation consultancy firm based in Barcelona (Spain) born in 2009 as a spin-off of the UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona) Research Park. Prior to this, Ramon did a PhD on Environmental Sciences and Technology at the Environmental Sciences and Technology Institute (ICTA), where he started his career in 2005 as a researcher on ecodesign, sustainability and environmental metrics.
While working at inèdit he has developed a strong knowledge of the state of the art of eco-innovation, being responsible of the Technical Secretariat of the Eco-innovation Lab (www.laboratorioecoinnovacion.com). He has also actively participated in the SwitchMed Project, being coordinator of a team of experts for the design and development of green entrepreneurship training materials. Other fields of expertise include Ecodesign, Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint Accounting.